I guess the best way to say it is the theory just doesn't sound plausible and I've seen zero supporting evidence for the theory.
All I've seen are some memes about some "US Corporation act of 1871" or similar, and a bunch of stuff about flags with and w/o yellow fringe on them as allegedly symbolizing this "US Corporation" but nothing more concrete.
The cursory research I've done on it hasn't found me anything more concrete.
If you have some links handy / directions you could point me, I'd be happy to look and am open to having my mind changed on this theory.
So what do you think at this point is not "too far out for your beliefs?
I guess the best way to say it is the theory just doesn't sound plausible and I've seen zero supporting evidence for the theory.
All I've seen are some memes about some "US Corporation act of 1871" or similar, and a bunch of stuff about flags with and w/o yellow fringe on them as allegedly symbolizing this "US Corporation" but nothing more concrete.
The cursory research I've done on it hasn't found me anything more concrete.
If you have some links handy / directions you could point me, I'd be happy to look and am open to having my mind changed on this theory.