Enough, these are actors. Of course it's sad when people die.
Not your relatives. Go contact your relatives and reestablish those (real)relationships. Not the imaginary ones from television stories. Such a distorted view of life and relationships. Sad really.
Go away, Bob.
Stand in front of the pearly gates and be judged.
Enough, these are actors. Of course it's sad when people die. Not your relatives. Go contact your relatives and reestablish those (real)relationships. Not the imaginary ones from television stories. Such a distorted view of life and relationships. Sad really.
The person who made that meme obviously needs to get a life outside the TV box.
They worship celebrities instead of God. They will meet their punishment in the after life.
Bob was a frequent flier on the Lolita Express to Epstein's Pedo island.
Their hearts can't handle much anymore, I'm afraid.
More - take more of them Jesus please 🙏🏻
Just keep dropping the red pill on these posts, the booster killed both of them.
I downloaded the video of the roast and have been posting that in lots of facebook comments... IT IS WORKING!
And then you come here…One less pedo! Yay!