I offer no comment on the investigation or internal Marine Corps deliberations.
I offer a brief comment to those that desire answers and to those that withhold them:
To those seeking answers, I offer encouragement. There are good people striving for the truth, working together in and out of government, and they succeed.
To those that withhold, I pray for you. Find the moral courage to come forward. Don't let a lie be our legacy to posterity
People will forgive. A commitment to truth is in the heart of this nation.
Response from Major Joseph Murphy, USMC.
Thank you Maj. Joseph Murphy.
I felt that reading it, too
That statement of make me confident that the white hats are in control, and Fauci's clown car is heading for a crash of epic proportions.
People will not forgive. If they do we will have this happen over and over. The punishment needs to fit the crime.