My point of view, Biblical based…the “UFOs” are demonic apparitions. Show up on radar and do a 90 degree turn at Mach 15? Organic life doesn’t withstand those forces.
2nd, the “Rapture”, when it occurs, Will impact everyone remaining, obviously. So in order to further obfuscate the Truth of scripture, satan will disguise the event as an alien or climate occurrence. satan is aware of scripture, and has plenty of humans to assist in “building the narrative” of mass alien abduction, or a planet “destroying its attackers”…”Mars was once a thriving planet….”
My point of view, Biblical based…the “UFOs” are demonic apparitions. Show up on radar and do a 90 degree turn at Mach 15? Organic life doesn’t withstand those forces.
2nd, the “Rapture”, when it occurs, Will impact everyone remaining, obviously. So in order to further obfuscate the Truth of scripture, satan will disguise the event as an alien or climate occurrence. satan is aware of scripture, and has plenty of humans to assist in “building the narrative” of mass alien abduction, or a planet “destroying its attackers”…”Mars was once a thriving planet….”
It doesn't have to. The antigravity engines effectively nullify the effect of inertia so that passengers barely feel motion.