Yo this is exactly what I saw too! One large white light, followed by a trailing, slower, red light. And they moved slow at first, and then, did some warp-jump shit into nowhere. But that wasn't even the wildest part, the wildest part was that these lights, and I don't know how else to put this, were acting like you'd expect someone with LIFE and CONSCIOUSNESS and INTELLIGENCE to act.
As I said in my main post; these things are far, far beyond any rational explanations that our minds can ever hope to conjure in here.
Yo this is exactly what I saw too! One large white light, followed by a trailing, slower, red light. And they moved slow at first, and then, did some warp-jump shit into nowhere. But that wasn't even the wildest part, the wildest part was that these lights, and I don't know how else to put this, were acting like you'd expect someone with LIFE and CONSCIOUSNESS and INTELLIGENCE to act.
As I said in my main post; these things are far, far beyond any rational explanations that our minds can ever hope to conjure in here.
Yes. They were just gone. Just like that.