I have an unpopular theory on it. His goal has always been to MAGA. How does supporting a deadly vax help the MAGA agenda?
For one, it cleanses this country of people who can not think for themselves and clearly there are plenty of those on both the Republican and Democrat side. For this country to truly thrive, we need its citizenry to consist of independent, free-thinking types who are suspicious of higher authority, just as our founders were. It's irrelevant which political camp one resides. If one can be coerced, bribed, or bullied into relinquishing their freedoms, they are unworthy of the title "American". Those who do not die and took the vax will be forever blackpilled about trusting authority and will become like us--ultimate libertarians--thus helping to preserve this country and its freedoms for the long term.
The reason he is doing this is to give us credibility as we try to fight this with research, logic, and supporting the few medical professionals that are willing.
If he came out against the vaccine, all this would be thrown in the dumpster immediately as all the media would claim in unison that we are all just sycophants of Donald J Trump. Donald J Trump, the non-doctor, non-scientist that told us all to drink bleach.
And the normies are still listening to the media. It would be a huge setback for us.
As it stands now, with Trump being pro-vax, that raises a huge Question mark over why we are against it. The only way to examine why is to listen to what we are saying. The stats, the research, the heroic doctors and nurses that are speaking up.
That is what our reason is. The media can't examine that because they don't want to talk about that.
Of course he didn't get the vax or the booster.
Why would he? He's already had covid and has 100% natural immunity.
He is lying about getting the vaccine.
The question is why? He is doing it for a very good reason. A reason that does not help himself, only hurts him.
I have an unpopular theory on it. His goal has always been to MAGA. How does supporting a deadly vax help the MAGA agenda?
For one, it cleanses this country of people who can not think for themselves and clearly there are plenty of those on both the Republican and Democrat side. For this country to truly thrive, we need its citizenry to consist of independent, free-thinking types who are suspicious of higher authority, just as our founders were. It's irrelevant which political camp one resides. If one can be coerced, bribed, or bullied into relinquishing their freedoms, they are unworthy of the title "American". Those who do not die and took the vax will be forever blackpilled about trusting authority and will become like us--ultimate libertarians--thus helping to preserve this country and its freedoms for the long term.
Yes I agree with this.
The reason he is doing this is to give us credibility as we try to fight this with research, logic, and supporting the few medical professionals that are willing.
If he came out against the vaccine, all this would be thrown in the dumpster immediately as all the media would claim in unison that we are all just sycophants of Donald J Trump. Donald J Trump, the non-doctor, non-scientist that told us all to drink bleach.
And the normies are still listening to the media. It would be a huge setback for us.
As it stands now, with Trump being pro-vax, that raises a huge Question mark over why we are against it. The only way to examine why is to listen to what we are saying. The stats, the research, the heroic doctors and nurses that are speaking up.
That is what our reason is. The media can't examine that because they don't want to talk about that.