If you guys were really interested in waking up "normies" or saving anybody then you should consider organizing stuff here in some coherent and consumable fashion.
.win was modeled after reddit. Therefore unless there is action by the admins this place will remain "unorganized" and "not consumable" according to you.
The way it is now is a bunch of repetitive ramblings
Its repetitive because we cant read eachothers minds. There will be reposts, there will be people who forget content. What you seem to want is a completely different website layout.
from a group of people that have already been portrayed as unhinged lunatics.
Do you think anyone here cares what were portrayed as? I genuinly do not give a shit what haters think about this place. Im already mentally prepped for the eventual labeling of domestic terrorist. We know the truth and so does God, thats all that matters.
But oh don't listen to any criticism. Ewe 37 day account. Eww handshake. Eww must down vote to show my masculinity.
Cmon guy you gotta realize that this place is heavily brigaded by trolls. Long time members here are very weary of handshake accounts because theres a high probability that its a troll. This has nothing to do with masculinity lol theres plenty of females here. Why cant you just accept my criticism of your comment and move on?
.win was modeled after reddit. Therefore unless there is action by the admins this place will remain "unorganized" and "not consumable" according to you.
Its repetitive because we cant read eachothers minds. There will be reposts, there will be people who forget content. What you seem to want is a completely different website layout.
Do you think anyone here cares what were portrayed as? I genuinly do not give a shit what haters think about this place. Im already mentally prepped for the eventual labeling of domestic terrorist. We know the truth and so does God, thats all that matters.
Cmon guy you gotta realize that this place is heavily brigaded by trolls. Long time members here are very weary of handshake accounts because theres a high probability that its a troll. This has nothing to do with masculinity lol theres plenty of females here. Why cant you just accept my criticism of your comment and move on?