335 Which one of you glorious bastards was this? A ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! (media.greatawakening.win) 🧠 Manlet brainlet seeks advice posted 3 years ago by ItsAFreeCountry 3 years ago by ItsAFreeCountry +335 / -0 117 comments download share 117 comments share download save hide report block hide replies
They generally believe it's more effective for a sick person to prevent spreading than it is for a healthy person to prevent getting infected.
So it's a way to pressure and impose onto others to bend to your will.
iF yOu CaReD aBoUt OtHeRs YoU wOuLd WeAr It!!!!1!
It's a Fairy tale.
Making up a story and repeating it a billion times doesn't make it true.
It says on the box, masks do not block viral transmission. Case closed.