The world has been running based off the establishment's Covid narrative for 2 years now. Really, with the information out there (like the success of Ivermectin) this should have been dead a long time ago! I believe it is going to become very difficult to keep this going.
Social Media is filling up with those double, triple vaxxed sharing their "covid positive" results.
Soon, the majority of the population would have been infected by "covid" one way or another. Most will consider themselves naturally immune or at least unafraid to the covid boogie man.
The double vaxxed will most likely join the ranks of the non vaxxed. To keep the vaccine promotion moving, the establishment will need to start pressuring the double vaxxed to get their booster. Pressuring the non-vaxxed will not be sufficient to keep their numbers up.
Omicron seems to be already peaking with few fatalities.
The establishment will need to invent another variant in another 5 months or so. The world is already growing weary, aware, and unafraid with Omicron.
Or wouldn’t have gotten it at all.