Hard to admit, but I was dooming when not much was happening. But coming to this board everyday, looking at the shift of events, it is undeniable.
We're winning. No turning back now.
Fools tried to go against God. Foolish.
God bless you all. Jesus is King.
For a little inspiration, listen to Edwin Hawkins Oh Happy Day. It will fill your heart with the love of our Savior...
My little 21 mo old grandbaby has been singing, “Jesus loves the little ones like me, me, me” - even though she really can’t even talk yet! I know that little ones are much more in tune with the spiritual realm, but this is a child who hasn’t actually been exposed to “religion” at all, but she chooses that song from a myriad of other online kid videos and randomly starts singing it? I believe and I feel that the spiritual realm is getting closer to the natural every day, and God is getting ready to make some huge reveals that will change life as we’ve known it - for the better.
That's awesome!!! I've been very depressed the last few days and something told me to listen to Oh Happy Day. When I did, tears started streaming down my face and the depression was lifted. God talks to us all the time, we just have to listen... Have a blessed day... 🙏🙏🙏
He tells us not to fear - amazing things are coming. It’s hard not to be able to see what is coming, but that’s what faith is all about. Don’t be discouraged, God will not be mocked. The war was won when Christ rose from the grave! This is just a battle and God will not abandon His people.
Thank you...