Remember that evil bill HR1 - the first one Pelosi's House proposed after gaining power?
HR1 would have allowed the Democrats to cheat in elections forever by making voter ID illegal and federalizing the elections.
It had failed and we thought we were safe, but no...
They took the guts of the bill and hid it in a new bill that gives NASA the right to lease property. The title of the bill is innocuous, but the contents are deadly.
It passed the House and it must be stopped in the Senate!
Contact the Senators now!
(202) 224- see this link for the last 4 numbers for each senator:
and use this:
and this:
Those sneaky lying nasty ********! That was what they were planning...
Here is a video of Rep. Cammack sounding the alarm:
Details here:
"Democrats merged the John Lewis Voting Rights Act and the Freedom to Vote Act into a single text and crammed the new bill into previously passed legislation extending NASA’s authority to lease its facilities.
Because the so-called “shell” NASA bill already cleared the House and Senate, Democrats can kick-start debate on the Senate floor without Republican support.
“We will have the ability to proceed to the legislation and debate it on a simple majority basis, something that’s been denied to us four times in the last several months because Republicans didn’t want to move forward,” Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) said Thursday morning.
“Then, the Senate will finally hold a debate on the voting rights legislation for the first time in this Congress,” Schumer added, “and every senator will be faced with a choice of whether or not to pass this legislation to protect our democracy.”"
Yes - I posted this the other day as well. Because the bill started as the NASA land-lease bill and already been thru both sides of Congress it does not have to come up for cloture in the Senate. Cloture is that thing where you have to have 60 votes to get a bill to the floor and have a real vote.
Unfortunately the bill has already been considered by the House and the Senate (as the NASA bill). This was coordinated between the House and Senate. The House passed their version and sent it to the Senate. Then the Senate changed a few things (in the original NASA bill) and sent it back to the House to be reconciled. This was planned because the bill was simply a renewal of the original bill authorizing NASA to lease their property out to pay for some mission equipment and it expired 12/31. The Senate could've just passed it and sent it on, but by changing it the House could then gut it and wedge both election bills inside with the intent on getting rid of the possibility of the filibuster when it goes back to the Senate. Chucky and Nancy playing their games again.
Now when it comes back to the Senate, Schumer can just send it straight to the floor for a vote. Not as a vote requiring 60 votes, but simply a majority vote. It also means the filibuster is not useful against this bill because it has already hit the floor before.
This is the highest level of bad! Call/email ALL of your Senators and reps. Tell them to fix this and to go on the news and shout about this (I did late last week myself). You also need to tell your senators they better show up to vote. We need ALL of the Republicans, AND Manchin/Sinema to vote NO. Remember - it just needs a quorum and a majority to pass. If Sinema and Manchin don't vote then we would need every Republican NO vote because the majority would be different. I've personally never seen something like this before - ever. Frankly I don't believe this can be anywhere near constitutional, but we can't let it pass and take it to SCOTUS. It needs stopped NOW. The vote is supposed to be Tuesday, and Monday is a fed holiday.