Fun-fact: Everyone knows how ruthless the SS were to track down Jews...
...but few people know that the SS were tracking down Jews who were members of the Jewish German Communist Party (KPD) (the same people who created Antifa in 1930) who declared a holy war against German Christians in 1933 and attempted a failed communist coup that same year.
The SS were hunting treasonous communists, most of whom were Jewish members of the KPD.
German Christians were terrified of Jewish communists because 15 years earlier, the Jewish leadership of the Bolshevik Communist Revolution mass murdered 20 million Christians...
...and yes, the Jewish German Communists (KPD) also tried to mass murder German Christians in 1933 when they blocked 2/3 of all food imports into Germany.
Yay, the Nazi SS were the good guys, defending Christianity
Hitler too, he was a misunderstood patriot
The Holocaust never happened
Nazis good, Jews bad
You cannot make this stuff up. Believe it or not, a large faction here actually believe and promote this. I'll get flamed to a blackened crisp for saying this but as long as mods allow it to flourish, this site will forever occupy a dark forgotten corner of the Internet and never gain the worldwide prominence it otherwise would deserve
Fun-fact: Everyone knows how ruthless the SS were to track down Jews...
...but few people know that the SS were tracking down Jews who were members of the Jewish German Communist Party (KPD) (the same people who created Antifa in 1930) who declared a holy war against German Christians in 1933 and attempted a failed communist coup that same year.
The SS were hunting treasonous communists, most of whom were Jewish members of the KPD.
German Christians were terrified of Jewish communists because 15 years earlier, the Jewish leadership of the Bolshevik Communist Revolution mass murdered 20 million Christians...
...and yes, the Jewish German Communists (KPD) also tried to mass murder German Christians in 1933 when they blocked 2/3 of all food imports into Germany.
Yay, the Nazi SS were the good guys, defending Christianity
Hitler too, he was a misunderstood patriot
The Holocaust never happened
Nazis good, Jews bad
You cannot make this stuff up. Believe it or not, a large faction here actually believe and promote this. I'll get flamed to a blackened crisp for saying this but as long as mods allow it to flourish, this site will forever occupy a dark forgotten corner of the Internet and never gain the worldwide prominence it otherwise would deserve
You didn't argue against any of his points, you're just deflecting.