403 This weekends comms, from the Valley of the Sun (media.greatawakening.win) Q-analysis! posted 3 years ago by BitcoinPatriot 3 years ago by BitcoinPatriot +407 / -4 106 comments download share 106 comments share download save hide report block hide replies
To calculate the time past noon, which is 1200 hours, you add 1200 to the time.
As in, "What time is it?"
"The time is 10:32."
"Is that 10:32 in the morning or at night?"
"Oh, sorry. I should have said 2232 hours, because it's at night. If it was in the morning, I would say 1032 hours."
The military uses 24-hour time is used so there is no danger of confusing "ten in the morning" with "ten at night."
It's beer thirty in my time zome