I've seen people mention this concept of gays/bis/trans/etc. being caused by parasites. Supposedly, this is one of the reasons the cabal want's to keep ivermectin and other dirt cheap anti parasite meds off the market. Cause they can literally cure homosexuality. When I try to research this myself I've managed to find a few obscure NIH reports on the topic that suggest that some specific neural parasite is the cause of the various alphabet crew alignments. But for the most part, the topic seems to have been nuked from the internet, ala sandy hook.
Thinking about it, it DOES make a lot of sense. Think about all the other crap they put in the water to try and dumb us down and make us weaker. Why not put some kind of gay parasite in the water to further their agenda? Also, I know most people here don't like him, but Alex Jones DID have that famous rant about something in the water turning frogs gay.
So what's the consensus hear? Is it a thing, complete horse crap, plausible but unconfirmed?, etc.?
Here is some safe ground dealing with microchimerism, but there's far more.
Consensual sex for women becomes a case of the 'stranger living within’ where living cells of the partner have been found in the circulatory system of women 38 years after.
The harboring of DNA or cells from another individual is called 'microchimerism'. Did you know that some of the neurons in mothers’ brains actually stem from their babies? In other words: some of a mother’s brain cells are actually from the offspring (meaning father's DNA). Think about this for a moment and what this actually means.
Male microchimerism in women without sons has been found to be at 21% of women tested. Not all microchimerism is bad though. It all depends on how genetically different the partner is.
If known, this fact would send a stark message to women that intend to cheat and to those wanting noncommittal sex.
With similar genetic heredity, microchimerism acts as a positive attribute to the woman's immune system and overall health.
Essentially, a female's immune system becomes predisposed and 'biased' in favor of her partner's genes.
The consequence of a woman having an extra-marital affair can cause an auto-immune response that may be undetected in her until years later. Microchimerism and autoimmune diseases are well documented.
How many people know this?
Here's more.
Mother and unborn child usually tolerate each other, but if this were to break down, the fetus's immune system would identify the mother's cells as foreign and attack them, with the fetus's own heart cells getting caught in the crossfire. Paternal DNA acting via clones of microchimeric cells in the maternal body could launch an immunological attack against the non-kin sperm in the female genitalia, or against the non-kin fetus in the womb. Thus, microchimeric cells carrying partly the DNA of a former father may launch an attack on a new embryo fathered by a new male.
Some mothers get pregnant only to improve their immune system and then to abort.
This is a form of female parasitism and infantile sacrifice.