From the long running General Hospital, to greys anatomy, house, ER, Scrubs, etc... hollywood has used predictive programming to make us sympathetic towards the medical profession. Until recently, a spotlight has never been shown on the reason why. Big Pharma is just as evil if not worse than the 3 letter agencies. This trickles all the way down to our local communities. These are supposed to be people we can trust with our lives. People who took an oath to help us to the best of their abilities. Now more than ever we hear medical professionals screeching “trust the science” when they damn well know that there are mountains of evidence against that narrative. Yes, there are a handful of good guys out there, but the overwhelming majority are either hell-bent on protecting the narrative or too chickenshit to stand up for what’s right in fear of losing their jobs. I pray that there will be severe consequences that also trickle down to the local level. Personally, I will have a very difficult time trusting any medical professionals into the far and distant future. And there is no excuse for “not knowing better” or “just doing what my superiors told me to” or “I didn’t want to lose my job”. The lives of men, women, and children are already at stake. To the ones strong enough to stand up, God bless you and I thank you with all my heart. To the rest, very simply, FUCK YOU. Each of you deserve what is coming and I pray none of you escape it. There’s a special place in hell for all of you. Nuremberg 2.0 cannot come fast enough.
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Sally's all day every day. Best pizza (apizza) in the US. Pepe's is also fantastic of course.
Wow, that is very interesting about your great grandfather. Yale's architecture is its one redeeming quality.
Yep, post-docs (more so than MDs but some can still be included in this group) are party animals and they know what drugs to use to fuck themselves up. Lol...
Wow. Pretty smart indeed. Pepe's would be the world's best. It's just that Sally's is better!
If you moved to Fresno (and are female) we might have dated. You gave me vicodin for my "back ache." Wow. Aggressive treatment! All better now!