Wood is now allowed to represent Trumps former campaign advisor Carter Page in a state defamation case.
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DeSantis is another Yale educated RINO probably Skull & Bones like the others, just because he's the shiniest turd in a pile of shit doesn't make him not a piece of shit.
Again, name an elected official doing more than DeSantis right now.
Donald Trump
lolol. ok dude. I must have missed all the laws and legislation he has passed recently.
No, what you missed are all the candidates he's endorsed, the social media platform he'll be launching next month, and the shadow government he's clearly running. So, you can continue shilling another Israel first candidate but we all know who the next President is. It isn't DeSantis because he's just another RINO in an America First skin. You know how I know? He hasn't even bothered to secure the elections in his state. It also doesn't help that he went to the same fraternity at Yale as George Bush.
Why isn't he looking into voter fraud in Florida? Until he does that, the rest is smoke and mirrors. Yes, he talks a good talk, but he is a professional politician. That's sort of what they do. Now, why isn't he looking into voter fraud in Florida?