Didn't Q say there were no clones? I had heard somewhere that Chester Bennington and Chris Cornell were actually murdered because they were about to expose pedophile rings.
#metoo. Cornell was my Rock idol and I been rockin since Beatles Revolver. I sang in a few bands and saw him a few times in downtown Seattle. His voice was enormous; could hold a high note longer than most anyone. I never knew he had a heart as big?
Didn't Q say there were no clones? I had heard somewhere that Chester Bennington and Chris Cornell were actually murdered because they were about to expose pedophile rings.
That’s the Truth. They were working on a documentary about pedo-child trafficking and it was almost finished, if I recall?
That sounds interesting?! I’d like to dig on that more 👍🏽
I hope it comes out
#metoo. Cornell was my Rock idol and I been rockin since Beatles Revolver. I sang in a few bands and saw him a few times in downtown Seattle. His voice was enormous; could hold a high note longer than most anyone. I never knew he had a heart as big?
No, this is not youtube and you are not Stephen Crowder.
So when some dumbass uses it in a reply to me I'm not allowed to respond?
Yeah ok go play with your Carhartt coats .