Seems like you're fighting depression right now ... By that, I mean real, genuine depression. It sucks. I've been there many times myself.
Try exercising a bit at home if you can. It's helped me a lot. Also, it sounds stupid, but maybe take a stab at learning a new skill or something that will help exercise your mind a bit.
This fucking senseless response to this 'pandemic' has taken a toll on everyone's wits whether they want to admit it or not. It's such a slow, gradual decline mentally ... It makes it even worse since you tend to think that things will never get back to normal and that you'll have to avoid jabs for the rest of your life.
It will not be this way much longer ... There's too many facts coming out and the scum responsible for this senseless attack on the world are starting to sound like idiots. In the meantime, try and take some steps to improve yourself ... Even tiny accomplishments will help.
Seems like you're fighting depression right now ... By that, I mean real, genuine depression. It sucks. I've been there many times myself.
Try exercising a bit at home if you can. It's helped me a lot. Also, it sounds stupid, but maybe take a stab at learning a new skill or something that will help exercise your mind a bit.
This fucking senseless response to this 'pandemic' has taken a toll on everyone's wits whether they want to admit it or not. It's such a slow, gradual decline mentally ... It makes it even worse since you tend to think that things will never get back to normal and that you'll have to avoid jabs for the rest of your life.
It will not be this way much longer ... There's too many facts coming out and the scum responsible for this senseless attack on the world are starting to sound like idiots. In the meantime, try and take some steps to improve yourself ... Even tiny accomplishments will help.