DEVOLUTION KICKOFF DAY MAGATHREAD- MILITARY PEPEs and all others, comment what you can safely share based on what you observe.
I haven't even read devolution but hubby has- I hope today really is the day. Kick off is at noon! Update: OR, tomorrow because Devolution says 1 year and 1 day....... so 24 hour maga thread!
If you'd rather listen than read's_Devolution_Part_1:9?lid=5eaa805f79590c8932498ab7a4d0f5c74bf9ed8c
The playlist only goes to part 9, so here's the rest
Devolution - Part 10
Devolution - Part 11's-Devolution---Part-11_Audio-Only_Edit:9
Devolution Part 12!-Full:e
Devolution Part 13's-Devolution-Part-13!-:7 (copy/paste)
Outstanding and thank you. I personally do not care for the pat gunnel (sp?) style of reading. Are there any other versions out there to your knowledge?
MrTruthBomb has a couple videos about devolution. He's on Bitchute. Might be on several other sites and might not be, it's kind of an ever changing thing (censorship).
yes thank you pede...
Thank you for this! Much easier for me timewise. Didn't know this was out there.