DEVOLUTION KICKOFF DAY MAGATHREAD- MILITARY PEPEs and all others, comment what you can safely share based on what you observe.
I haven't even read devolution but hubby has- I hope today really is the day. Kick off is at noon! Update: OR, tomorrow because Devolution says 1 year and 1 day....... so 24 hour maga thread!
Thanks for this. I pulled it up. His intro video of Trump is excellent, then I skipped to minute 12. Seems like he is definitely unwilling to commit to datefagging and is skeptical about the Law of War manual being in play... I think everybody is skeptical of everything at this point, but I'm finally willing to be hopeful about what happens from here. Seems like of all dates, this pivotal one that is in the Law of War manual would be THEE date.
Exactly! Absorb it all, process it and keep the info that makes sense to you to build the bigger picture.
With what I understand, I'm treating the 1 year marker as more of a green light to move from defense to offense. Offense doesn't have to be a giant sweep on the one year marker. It can happen now at any time. When and how is unknown but the rollout can take place by following the rules set by the LoW.