DEVOLUTION KICKOFF DAY MAGATHREAD- MILITARY PEPEs and all others, comment what you can safely share based on what you observe.
I haven't even read devolution but hubby has- I hope today really is the day. Kick off is at noon! Update: OR, tomorrow because Devolution says 1 year and 1 day....... so 24 hour maga thread!
FF ?
False flag attack of some sort. That’s the ‘ammunition’ other person spoke of. Typically right before something big or damning is gonna drop the DS sets off some ‘school shooting’ or other event to distract and have a plausible reason for the media to ‘not report’ on an event.
Like 1/6/2021
False flag.
Would not be the first… or the last
How long can they keep that crap up for though?