So this is a serious question/request. I fear I may be very distantly related to one of the "royal" families of old. It kinda makes me sick to be honest. It would probably cause me emotional harm if I am indeed distantly related to the illuminati. I don't want evil blood.
If it matters, it's one of the Italian Houses. There's a few popes and cardinals with the maiden name in my family. I haven't bothered searching yet but I already feel down about it.
Fun trivia, I have the same blood type as Jesus.
If you are Born Again, we are now children of God. If you go back to Adam & Eve, the Bible tells us that the serpent (beguiled Eve). Had a relationship ship with her. Then she had sex with Adam too. Twins were born, Cain and Abel. One line from God and one from satan. Cain killed Abel. If you look at ANY bloodlines of the Illuminati, it goes back to Cain. Bloodlines are everything! Royalty trace their bloodlines back to Cain. The Masonic Lodge have 33 levels. It’s not until you get toward the top levels that you actually understand the G in the square and compass is Satan. There is LIFE in the blood but ONLY via Jesus! We are made heirs with Christ. Romans 8:17. So much to discuss, a topic that can really bring out the demons, literally!! God Bless !