Yea for sure he stole the election no doubt. But not all blue cities are stolen. Some are legit crazy town. And the problem is the common sense normies in those town could probably tip things a bit more red but 1. They don’t vote 2. They’re fence sitters with no true opinions 3. They watch to much MSM news, entertainment and influencers.
Having said that…without cheating they wouldn’t win the state. I don’t think
You and I agree Fren. Need to fight on all fronts. Correct, the 2020 fraud, ensure it doesn't happen again, and energize people to vote based on the truth in order to be able to overcome the crazy's votes who refuse to wake up.
yea i think in those really blue places even the normies cant ignore these policies are insane...BUT....heres what they want to theyre going to spread their semi crazy idea and msm bs elsewhere...Heres the thing...these people have no gumption, no beliefs, no actions..they just like to talk and when the road gets rough they walk..and then continue in their beliefs....facepalm
One time this lady tried to argue with my how crazy the crime is..and I said "well yea if they let all the criminals out theyre gonna commit crimes..duh"...She was like..but theres not enough room in the prisons!!...Im like...yea i dont buy that...
There is truth to what you say, but just as important to remember is what Kari Lake says "Biden is president the way O.J. is innocent".
Yea for sure he stole the election no doubt. But not all blue cities are stolen. Some are legit crazy town. And the problem is the common sense normies in those town could probably tip things a bit more red but 1. They don’t vote 2. They’re fence sitters with no true opinions 3. They watch to much MSM news, entertainment and influencers.
Having said that…without cheating they wouldn’t win the state. I don’t think
You and I agree Fren. Need to fight on all fronts. Correct, the 2020 fraud, ensure it doesn't happen again, and energize people to vote based on the truth in order to be able to overcome the crazy's votes who refuse to wake up.
yea i think in those really blue places even the normies cant ignore these policies are insane...BUT....heres what they want to theyre going to spread their semi crazy idea and msm bs elsewhere...Heres the thing...these people have no gumption, no beliefs, no actions..they just like to talk and when the road gets rough they walk..and then continue in their beliefs....facepalm
One time this lady tried to argue with my how crazy the crime is..and I said "well yea if they let all the criminals out theyre gonna commit crimes..duh"...She was like..but theres not enough room in the prisons!!...Im like...yea i dont buy that...