697 Biden “WON” the state of Wisconsin by a mere 20,684 votes... 115,252 of WI “voters” were over 100 years old, with many of those on the voter rolls since? ... Exactly 1/1/1918. (media.greatawakening.win) posted 3 years ago by purkiss80 3 years ago by purkiss80 +700 / -3 116 comments download share 116 comments share download save hide report block hide replies
This ALONE, is ABSOLUTE PROOF the 2020 election, at least in Wisconsin, was fraudulent! How are they going to get out of this? Unless they have blackmailed EVERY SINGLE elected official, this HAS to be enough for something to be done!
Thanks for that. Let's see how they get out of doing a bogus whitewash of those ballots with missing info.