Today my vaccinated mom with COVID calls me and tells me her local doctor prescribed her Ivermectin, Quercetin, Zinc, Vit C, etc. and that Walmart wouldn't fill it. She is changing to a local pharmacist who will.
I've been vindicated. Keep the faith, everyone! It's going to happen for you all as well.
Check into you state pharmacy law, ours says Walmart has to find a pharmacy for you who will fill it or you can file a complaint with the pharmacy board against the pharmasist who refused. Our pharmasist was VERY helpful after I told them I was planning to do this.
Except the pharmacy boards are corrupt too
True - but human nature rules, pharmacists dont want complaints on their record. I just calmly asked for their full name and store number and said that the Board of Pharmacy website said I needed that information if a pharmacy refuses to fill my prescription. He immediately fell all over himself to get me another pharmacy who would fill it and get it sent to them.
Calm is key. It let's them know you mean business and that you have done your homework.
I have seen in the past that pharmacists start shitting their pants when you turn them into the Boards.
This is THE WAY!!!
Like with scumbag cops a lot depends on most people not knowing their rights or trying to follow through on them. Sounds like your pharmacist wasn't confident that the Pharmacy Board was going to back him up.