Charlie Kirk is a zio faggot. He's one of the most annoying twats there is. Shilling for Israel non stop. That dude is no different than any rino faggot who gives globohomos like Netanyahu multiple standing ovations for every second word he utters.
I believe that Khazarians created the Zionist movement and you don't have to be Jewish or pseudo-jewish to be Zionist. Regular Jews aren't all in on the globalist thing, mostly Khazarians and the deep state tools. The useful idiots who think they're Jewish believe they're elite or something, not realizing they'll be the first to face the wall if their masters we're to win. Check out Fall of the Cabal, one or two of the original series episodes breaks down Khazarian history pretty well.
Charlie Kirk is a zio faggot. He's one of the most annoying twats there is. Shilling for Israel non stop. That dude is no different than any rino faggot who gives globohomos like Netanyahu multiple standing ovations for every second word he utters.
Sounds like you're talking about Ben Shapiro...
Ben Shapiro is a Jewish Supremacist who openly advocates for Americans to spend their sons’ blood opening a six front war on behalf of Israel.
There is no mistaking that spergy Ziocunt
What’s the diff between a Jew and a Zionist
I dunno, wut?
Quite a few things but it basically boils down to “peace vs expansionist war”
Ethnicity vs Ideology.
I believe that Khazarians created the Zionist movement and you don't have to be Jewish or pseudo-jewish to be Zionist. Regular Jews aren't all in on the globalist thing, mostly Khazarians and the deep state tools. The useful idiots who think they're Jewish believe they're elite or something, not realizing they'll be the first to face the wall if their masters we're to win. Check out Fall of the Cabal, one or two of the original series episodes breaks down Khazarian history pretty well.