Here is why opening up the economy is going to have a limited effect on a "rebound":
Suppliers/Manufacturers have been promised that everything is transitory for 2 years. Now they are being told it's not and that rates are going up multiple times. These guys are going to look into recovering those losses. How? Jacking up prices. That means YOU will pay more for everything.
With everything going up, consumers will begin to tighten the belt. Who does this hurt? Any industry that sells products and services NOT seen as essential to living:
The entire hospitality industry
Construction and renovation companies
The real estate market (No one is going to want to sell what they have. Simultaneously, no one is going to be able to buy what's out there)
Airline = toast
Anything YOU consider you'll need, the hoards of zombies will flood to get and that will cause demand to go up causing prices to soar
Anyone that tells you there will be a recovery is lying to you or doesn't understand wtf is going on. Times are going to get very tough for a while. China struggling is going to cause prices to rocket and since Biden and fellow pedos have no intention of opening up manufacturing en mass in the country, it's going to have twice the impact on your pocket.
What have I not mentioned? The open border. Hoards of illegals will be taking jobs from citizens who will be laid off due to companies not being able to afford paying their employees and all the benefits and regulations they come with.
Are they gonna go out of business? No. They'll hire illegals to do the job for much less and simultaneously jack prices up to gain lost profits over covid, while citizens flood unemployment causing MORE government chaos.
Supplies will be in high demand and short supply as the US and much of the western world relies on Chinese manufacturing.
If the government gets involved and freezes prices, it will make things worse as companies who supply/produce all our goods will demand grants and subsidies to operate. What do you think these guys will do? Fire everyone under the sun and run limited operations to save costs.
Prepare yourselves now.
There was an article a couple days ago about how Microsoft buying Activision Blizzard could damage GameStop's stock. It made me wonder if that was the sole reason for the acquisition.
GameStop stock suffers another 7-day losing streak as Microsoft-Activision merger poses ‘walled garden’ risk