posted ago by ZerroDefex ago by ZerroDefex +27 / -0

Aurora mayor Richard Irvin (Democrat) is suddenly running for the Republican primary to be Governor against sitting Governor Prickster. Do not forget that this diversity hire mayor repeatedly followed Lori Lightfoot on nearly everything in 2020 in regards to china virus shutdowns and we even had a mini BLM riot in 2020 that resulted in downtown Aurora being smashed up and cop cars getting torched. Now suddenly he claims to be against defend the police and saying that "all lives matter". It's also rumored that he might get backing from, guess who, Ken Griffin the CEO of Citadel (the grand nemesis of the GME investory crowd.)

Don't take my word for it, look into my claims yourself. Unfortunately I don't have a big compendium on hand of articles and I'm going mostly by my memory of living here but last week I got WinRed spam from him (which was a big WTF moment seeing his name.)

Personally the only candidate I have any confidence in backing is IL Senator Darren Bailey from southern Illinois. He with attorney Thomas DeVore have been fighting Prickster on the scamdemic and lockdowns for two years now so of course they're trying to keep him off of the ballot. Please look into him.