Not even. There might be one or two patriots out of the sea of shitheads, but if all you do is doom every time the cabal gets a minor "victory" then you never were a patriot to begin with.
You aren't a Patriot to be accepted. You're a Patriot because you establish what is yours and you refuse to move. You make it clear that you will not be ruled by anyone except any deity you choose to submit to. You will not force your way of life on others, rather you'll respect those you don't agree with as long as there is a mutual understanding that no one rules anyone in this country. You don't care to make friends, you establish relationships with people you can rely on and you pledge your undying loyalty to them even if they don't to you. A Patriot is not above self sacrifice, but will not lay down at the expense of their freedom or anyone else's. Patriots are not popular because they are impossible to befriend. Patriots smell bullshit a mile away and don't open up to just anyone. Patriots do not shit on other people for any reason (joking aside with this statement. Obviously we make fun of them but we aren't wishing ill will). Patriots respect the rights of all Americans even the ones who hate them. Patriots love. Patriots forgive. Patriots do not give up. Patriots stay strong and when they can't, they man or woman the fuck up and ask for support from other Patriots. We don't choose to be Patriots because it's easy. We choose this because it is right.
Oh and I agree with the sheepdog mentality, but you can't be afraid to go Lone Wolf if the time calls for it. Even Trump says in his book, "Never be afraid to walk away"
Not even. There might be one or two patriots out of the sea of shitheads, but if all you do is doom every time the cabal gets a minor "victory" then you never were a patriot to begin with.
You aren't a Patriot to be accepted. You're a Patriot because you establish what is yours and you refuse to move. You make it clear that you will not be ruled by anyone except any deity you choose to submit to. You will not force your way of life on others, rather you'll respect those you don't agree with as long as there is a mutual understanding that no one rules anyone in this country. You don't care to make friends, you establish relationships with people you can rely on and you pledge your undying loyalty to them even if they don't to you. A Patriot is not above self sacrifice, but will not lay down at the expense of their freedom or anyone else's. Patriots are not popular because they are impossible to befriend. Patriots smell bullshit a mile away and don't open up to just anyone. Patriots do not shit on other people for any reason (joking aside with this statement. Obviously we make fun of them but we aren't wishing ill will). Patriots respect the rights of all Americans even the ones who hate them. Patriots love. Patriots forgive. Patriots do not give up. Patriots stay strong and when they can't, they man or woman the fuck up and ask for support from other Patriots. We don't choose to be Patriots because it's easy. We choose this because it is right.
Right on man. I think of patriots as more sheepdog and less Lone wolf but to each his own, America needs both and more.
You're in rare form tonight, what's your drink?
Oh and I agree with the sheepdog mentality, but you can't be afraid to go Lone Wolf if the time calls for it. Even Trump says in his book, "Never be afraid to walk away"
Caffeinated water enhancer.