Gee's you fags. It's just political theatre. Now she's going to campaign how she fought the establishment. You simps will vote her back in. Then the deep state will drop the whole charade.
What ever happened to psyops and controlled opposition?
there's another audit in the tucson area now. whether it's RINOS tanking it or white hat timing it's just more irons in the fire, all of it has to drop at once.
either incorruptible or the white hats got to her first.
She is our controlled opposition. I think I would rather rely on her than Lindsey Graham
Gee's you fags. It's just political theatre. Now she's going to campaign how she fought the establishment. You simps will vote her back in. Then the deep state will drop the whole charade.
What ever happened to psyops and controlled opposition?
Good to see her growing her true hair color out it’s a start.
Commie red?
Probably blackmailed to do the right thing for a change.
Censure just means she picks up votes in a red state clueless to her record because you dummies keep simping for her.
Speaking of Arizona, what ever became of the audit and the cyberninjas?
there's another audit in the tucson area now. whether it's RINOS tanking it or white hat timing it's just more irons in the fire, all of it has to drop at once.
I think them and the flynns are all buying up property in Florida. We got got.
Not a Sinema fan but it’s encouraging to see a DRat with a brain.
It's good to see the charade is working on you. Never mind her other votes which would have rendered the filibuster meaningless if they passed.
how the fuck do you censure someone for representing their constituents?