Do you know how money is created? Enter: Fractional Reserve Banking. The biggest SCAM in history.
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What was the relevance of Andrew Jackson? Please point me in the right direction. Thanks!
u/Chandler15 He took down the banks, and there was finally financial freedom.......
Then 1913 happened
Also, on April 5, 1912 Titanic sank. Then 1913 happened
Plus Lincoln tried to move to the greenback and ditch the fed res note. Bang.
Going in with zero lube. Brace your soul’s anus.
name checks out
I saved this to read if the internet goes down
Spread far and wide. The pdf, I mean.
~closes legs~
Fought the fed,
Family crest included a jew hanging from a tree.
Thats probably why they put him on the twenty, he would have hated it
He had/has a family crest? And it had one of (((them))) on it?