All those assholes who covered up the Xiden Family crimes, including Hunter's PEDOPHILIA are Enemy Agents and should be treated as Enemy Combatants.
They are not 'THE LEFT'.
They are the ENEMY and should be dealt with, accordingly.
All those assholes who covered up the Xiden Family crimes, including Hunter's PEDOPHILIA are Enemy Agents and should be treated as Enemy Combatants.
They are not 'THE LEFT'.
They are the ENEMY and should be dealt with, accordingly.
I get & agree with your point, but there aren't any true, actual, legit America First CONSERVATIVES doing this shit.
Lots of globalist, barely right of center cuckservatives and RINOS, but no actual real conservatives.....
The enemy is largely LEFT-WING.
At the end of the day, they are Anti-American, totalitarian scumbag pieces of shit who literally aren't worth the bullet they deserve; let's just agree to that.