These people would rather kill their first born child then admit a Trumptard was right. I am not exaggerating I truly believe that.
People on here preaching the forgiveness crap do not understand the kind of demons that reside in the Portland and Seattle areas. They are orcs. Antifa, tech workers and limosuine liberals. Minions of the globalists. Enemies of humanity that have destroyed millions if lives.
^ This. I live in Western Oregon and there's still so many brain dead mask zombies everywhere. They're so self-absorbed that they have no clue or care as to the failing Covid narrative elsewhere in the world. They will continue on in their stupidity and pretend like they're right and everybody in the world agrees with them. They will not acknowledge that other states or countries are abandoning them. They will persist as long as they can because to abandon the masks and vaxxes now is to admit defeat. They will not do this.
Until Brown and Inslee give it up it’s not over. Western OR/WA are so far gone it’s insane.
Maybe as more and more people in the blue swamps see how things are in the places that are opening up, the resistance will grow.
Naaah, I'm probably kidding myself. These fools are totally lost.
These people would rather kill their first born child then admit a Trumptard was right. I am not exaggerating I truly believe that.
People on here preaching the forgiveness crap do not understand the kind of demons that reside in the Portland and Seattle areas. They are orcs. Antifa, tech workers and limosuine liberals. Minions of the globalists. Enemies of humanity that have destroyed millions if lives.
^ This. I live in Western Oregon and there's still so many brain dead mask zombies everywhere. They're so self-absorbed that they have no clue or care as to the failing Covid narrative elsewhere in the world. They will continue on in their stupidity and pretend like they're right and everybody in the world agrees with them. They will not acknowledge that other states or countries are abandoning them. They will persist as long as they can because to abandon the masks and vaxxes now is to admit defeat. They will not do this.