Jen Psaki finally admits that defunding police departments led to the increase in violent crime https://twitter.com/RNCResearch/status/1485691966985748488
Even Chuck Todd sees Biden’s ineffectiveness and weakness https://www.foxnews.com/media/joe-biden-competent-effective-nbc-chuck-todd
Sen. Ron Johnson brings real experts in and destroys the covid narrative https://odysee.com/@WrongthinkInc:e/covid19asecondopinionrehost:6
Eric Clapton is awakened, says people are suffering mass formation psychosis over covid, releases song with Van Morrison opposing the incessant lockdowns https://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-10435175/Eric-Clapton-claims-people-Covid-vaccine-victims-mass-formation-hypnosis.html
NY State judge rules governor has no authority to issue a mask mandate https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2022/01/unconstitutional-ny-state-supreme-court-judge-strikes-gov-hochuls-mask-mandate-no-authority-enact-mandate-without-state-legislature/
Biden family scored at least $31 million from China companies with direct ties to Chinese intelligence https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2022/01/24/bombshell-biden-family-scored-31-million-from-deals-with-individuals-with-direct-ties-to-the-highest-levels-of-chinese-intelligence/
Gateway Pundit agrees to share never before seen footage of ballot box stuffing (not sure why it wasn’t released by them) to True the Vote https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2022/01/breaking-gateway-pundit-signs-legal-agreement-true-vote-includes-never-seen-video-major-battleground-state-ballot-trafficking-operations/
The great uniter, kind old Uncle Joe, who once vowed to fire anyone on his staff for being disrespectful or rude, calls Peter Doocy a “stupid son of a bitch” right from the podium https://twitter.com/RealSaavedra/status/1485742643883642884 and https://twitter.com/qsteph/status/1352036233711677442
Ghislaine asks for a new trial, which if allowed would parade all the horrific laundry yet another time for all to see https://www.miamiherald.com/news/local/crime/article257560713.html
See you tomorrow.
Thank you,Wins for the good news. 3 - 7 really are priceless, and a big thank you for emphasizing real experts over the 'Science Guy', Dr. Fauci. If he's science, I trust science as far as I'd trust the Fed not to steal our money! (Through inflation)