Wisconsin is the nwo hub and the bellwether state for trump in 2016. Racine is the Illuminati headquarters! u/Trustthetruth will be so happy to hear this! He’s been spreading the word about Racine for a while. Wisconsin LETS GOOOOOO
Thank you and this is good and necessary exposure, however there will be ongoing obstruction to this and other efforts including by the heads of both parties - Vos and Neubauer, both representing Racine and Racine County.
Everything shared about Racine since the beginning is The Truth.
Trump needs to share and focus on One Word to let the people know the real root, gateway and model for the rigged election and the real agenda beyond - Racine.
Racine is the weak link to the entire global chain of command. It is time for the root to be fully exposed.
Decertification is great for the election but it doesn't = cleaning up the corruption, stopping bad stuff/evil, meting out justice to those who deserve it, or doing away with the worldwide Agenda and those working to implement it. There's seemingly A LOT more that needs to be ended/dealt with in WI/Racine and this is only the tip of the iceberg.
'Could be that them caving on the electors is them throwing out a bone to give the illusion of propiety, to reduce further eyes-on investigation into things some don't want revealed, or to distract from all the other bad stuff going on there.
Could be. Which sets the ball rolling.
AMAZING! I explain why that’s amazing here: https://communities.win/c/GreatAwakening/p/141FJw26NQ/x/c
Wisconsin is the nwo hub and the bellwether state for trump in 2016. Racine is the Illuminati headquarters! u/Trustthetruth will be so happy to hear this! He’s been spreading the word about Racine for a while. Wisconsin LETS GOOOOOO
Thank you and this is good and necessary exposure, however there will be ongoing obstruction to this and other efforts including by the heads of both parties - Vos and Neubauer, both representing Racine and Racine County.
Everything shared about Racine since the beginning is The Truth.
Trump needs to share and focus on One Word to let the people know the real root, gateway and model for the rigged election and the real agenda beyond - Racine.
Racine is the weak link to the entire global chain of command. It is time for the root to be fully exposed.
Decertification is great for the election but it doesn't = cleaning up the corruption, stopping bad stuff/evil, meting out justice to those who deserve it, or doing away with the worldwide Agenda and those working to implement it. There's seemingly A LOT more that needs to be ended/dealt with in WI/Racine and this is only the tip of the iceberg.
'Could be that them caving on the electors is them throwing out a bone to give the illusion of propiety, to reduce further eyes-on investigation into things some don't want revealed, or to distract from all the other bad stuff going on there.