It's predicted to be a major meltdown across the board, taking time to recover. Recommended acquisitions include LYV (LiveNation) and CAT (Caterpillar). I finally got into the black about 2 weeks ago after entering the market with DWAC and PHUN a couple of months back. Wish I had sold last week! My plan is to sell all but my low level stocks, then buy back in after the big bottom. HODL is an option, but for me I'd rather take some profit and increase value by buying back at a steep discount on the rebound. Just a word of warning -- look up "market crash 2022" and you'll see numerous articles on it.
I just confirmed that Truth Social is set to launch on February 21 -- President's Day. Hopefully it will be OUR President's day!
If you do sell prior to the 11th, I'd recommend getting back in before the 21st. I'm guessing that the launch will have positive impact on share prices. Will see!
I don't monitor that one . . . I did see a post from a fren who mentioned that GME is at a good price. As to AMC, Chaikin Analytics' PowerPulse program shows it as Very Bearish. Not good
Does this apply to AMC as well?
It's predicted to be a major meltdown across the board, taking time to recover. Recommended acquisitions include LYV (LiveNation) and CAT (Caterpillar). I finally got into the black about 2 weeks ago after entering the market with DWAC and PHUN a couple of months back. Wish I had sold last week! My plan is to sell all but my low level stocks, then buy back in after the big bottom. HODL is an option, but for me I'd rather take some profit and increase value by buying back at a steep discount on the rebound. Just a word of warning -- look up "market crash 2022" and you'll see numerous articles on it.
Ty for the info
I just confirmed that Truth Social is set to launch on February 21 -- President's Day. Hopefully it will be OUR President's day!
If you do sell prior to the 11th, I'd recommend getting back in before the 21st. I'm guessing that the launch will have positive impact on share prices. Will see!
You're most welcome. Use your best judgement! I'm a novice but am paying attention to the pros . . .
I don't monitor that one . . . I did see a post from a fren who mentioned that GME is at a good price. As to AMC, Chaikin Analytics' PowerPulse program shows it as Very Bearish. Not good