Your 'ownership' of those shares is based on an accounting book entry by the broker. You have no proof they were actually purchased on your behalf, or if you just have an 'IOU'. Their promise is as solid as a fart.
By Direct Registering your shares at Computershare, your name is on your shares. They can't be loaned/shorted. There is a record with your name on the shares.
My working assumption is that every institution associated with Wall Street is corrupt.
Thank you very much for your replies. I purchased my shares willing to lose all of my money to FK with Wall Street. Now, I realize that to really FK with them I need to do more. I will do this on Friday. I wonder how many of us who purchased the stock realize that we needed to more than just purchase it and DR it.
Your 'ownership' of those shares is based on an accounting book entry by the broker. You have no proof they were actually purchased on your behalf, or if you just have an 'IOU'. Their promise is as solid as a fart.
By Direct Registering your shares at Computershare, your name is on your shares. They can't be loaned/shorted. There is a record with your name on the shares. My working assumption is that every institution associated with Wall Street is corrupt.
Thank you very much for your replies. I purchased my shares willing to lose all of my money to FK with Wall Street. Now, I realize that to really FK with them I need to do more. I will do this on Friday. I wonder how many of us who purchased the stock realize that we needed to more than just purchase it and DR it.