416 UK MSM catching up with GAW: 'Never before has so much harm been done to so many by so few... based on dodgy data': A blistering verdict on Covid 'experts' from MP BOB SEELY in a landmark speech (www.dailymail.co.uk) posted 3 years ago by Fringe--dweller 3 years ago by Fringe--dweller +416 / -0 30 comments share 30 comments share save hide report block hide replies
Four weeks ago the top people behind the scamdemic in the U.K. were officially rewarded for their loyalty to Queen and country with high level honours in the New Years Honours List.
Jonathan Van TM and Professor Chris Whitty.
The honours list = the enemy in the UK.
Can that Ferguson guy walk down the street?
He better not be able to ever show his face publicly, ever again.