Wizard And Warlocks and The Webb Comms
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Every time I start to doubt Putin and his part in this charade, I remember the soccer ball and am content to sit back again, relieved, and let it play out.
Putin is a wild card. Hes definitely not a great guy, former KGB, total Communist dictator, that removes competition. The only thing we can hope for, is his hate of the Satanist deepstate, is greater than his will to remain in power. There's something there maybe only him and 45 understand.
Putin understands that a good and strong monarch is the best rule. Whether he is perfect or not can easily be questioned, but what he’s done is consolidated power to himself by any means to save and solidify his country against many threats around him. I think Russia out of all countries is the one with the most enemies. Everyone around them wants to crush them but can’t, but still try to destabilize them at every turn.