Mine was 9/11 and what did those and who.
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I am sorry for your experience ... I firmly believe that many churches did great harm in refusing to answer questions or even having them asked.
I hope it did not impact your relationship with Jesus.
I solely blame my parents. Would've been a great time to teach me that some things take faith and that's all that is needed.
I never have, never will fault anyone for religious beliefs ; everyone needs to believe in something. In all honesty, it told me that quite possibly everything in that book is just a bunch of stories and nothing more. I studied Greek Mythology in university and the stories are very similar.
I charted towards tangibleness after that. What I could see, touch ; actual science with actual scientific method + Occam's razor applied to everything. Got pretty serious about astronomy and almost changed my major because of it.
Whether God is an actual entity that physically created everything, or God is the energy and principles we see in action every day in nature and space, or God is just the fluke outside orbit chance that things went they way they did and here we are ; what matters is we spend WAY, WAY too much time arguing and killing each other over 'who made it' rather than just enjoy it and make the most of the absolute fleetingly small time you have.
It's gone before you know it really does make sense.
Sounds like both the church and your parents were at fault. I encourage you to also study philosophy if you're interested.
There are really only two options, nihilism or an entity that we can consider to be God exists. Further, there is the problem of how complex amino acids formed through "random mutations."
After arriving at that conclusion, I and others have found Christianity and the teachings of Jesus Christ to be the most compelling by far from a scientific, philosophical, and moral standpoints in examination of Truth. Further, it is about God's reconciliation and love for us, rather than what we can do for Him. To be in His love and at peace is life changing.