Sample email:
Dear Dr xxx -
In response to <hospital>'s demand that all organ transplant recipients receive covid-19 vaccinations, I am removing myself from the organ donor program and urging friends to do the same.
I hope you care that the hospital's decision is already causing harm to patients by decreasing the number of registered organ donors.
Please do your part in rescinding this harmful, short-sighted demand, and hopefully my organs won't go to waste.
Love, Me
I removed myself from the organ donor registry. I also stopped donating blood.
Until the medical industry changes their attitude, they get no cooperation from me.
Agreed! Plus 23 n me was probably to match us w paying customers for organs
Never put my name on the organ donor list due to the fear that hospitals and some doctors are sometimes a bit too eager to pronounce someone brain dead if they are on the list. Also stopped donating blood 5 years ago after Q started posting...not sure where my blood was going. Think I'll start "reserving" if for myself since we're pure bloods.
I'm hoping for them to change their stupid policy, which is why I wrote to them.