A pleasure, there's loads more interesting stuff about it, I only brushed the surface- it's worth a dig. We may have dodged a worldwide bullet, they were (and still are I suppose) in the dehumanising stage, thankfully we seem to have averted much of it.
Wow, that's a lot of info - thanks. At the time I thought it was another tribal scenario but was struck by so many saying people who were friends and neighbours for years turned on each other. All make sense now. And of course the UN were there, taking notes no doubt.
These bastards really are evil and sick. Just hope the white hats have different plans for G5 if this is how it could play out.
Absolutely right- I had a look at this a while ago and think this may have been an experiment:
All kicked off with the assassination of the Rwanda and Burundi Presidents:
Music to kill to:
The UN were of course there, bystanders to genocide (or instigators given their track record):
It is claimed the 'Rwandan Genocide Modified the DNA of Victims and Their Offspring'. But what if it wasn't the genocide?
In 3 months an estimated 500,000-800,000 deaths.
Excellent links, thanks for posting.
A pleasure, there's loads more interesting stuff about it, I only brushed the surface- it's worth a dig. We may have dodged a worldwide bullet, they were (and still are I suppose) in the dehumanising stage, thankfully we seem to have averted much of it.
Here's hoping.
Wow, that's a lot of info - thanks. At the time I thought it was another tribal scenario but was struck by so many saying people who were friends and neighbours for years turned on each other. All make sense now. And of course the UN were there, taking notes no doubt.
These bastards really are evil and sick. Just hope the white hats have different plans for G5 if this is how it could play out.