fusco, fuscare, fuscavi, fuscatus Verb I Conjugation darken, blacken, make dark (INTRANS) become dark
Possible Parsings of fusca: Ending Tense Mood Voice Person Number -a Present Imperative Active 2nd person Singular
vinco, vincere, vici, victus Verb III Conjugation conquer, defeat, excel outlast
Possible Parsings of vincent: Ending Tense Mood Voice Person Number -ent Future Indicative Active 3rd person Plural
So I'd say that a pretty good translation of "Vincent Fusca" would be "They who have been hidden will conquer"
I wish it were true, but in my opinion, the guy at the 7 second mark is neither JFK Jr., nor the Vincent Fusca costumed character. Similarly, the guy in the red hat is not Tiger Woods, either. They are just random people in the crowd.
For good measure, I placed a public side profile photo of John John and overlaid it on top of the man at the 7 second mark's face and they are not a match in these areas: ears, brow bone, eyebrow shape, nose hump, acne-scarred skin, etc.