Because he has to. If he started alluding to being elected Speaker in 2022 and removing Biden and Kamala would not go over well. Like at all. Not even with right wingers.
So yes, I think that is still the play, but confirmation doesn't come until after the election. Once the House and Senate are back it doesn't matter after that. They will literally be able to do nothing and if we get a super majority in both, it's over.
Trump said clearly and plainly, legally and peacefully. Devolution is still in play, but even as Patel has suggested, it has no requirement to conclude. All Trump did was keep the keys to the nuclear football, he still has control over the military through the combatant commanders and he's allowing the pain because we need to experience it to truly understand. And so too do the idiots who followed the tyrants.
No. The plan has not failed. I kind of suspected that it was the long game and look what has been happening since? It really did have to be this way, but I think in less than a year things will be very different for the better.
We didn't come this far to only come this far. We're winning. We never stopped winning. Oh inflation and high gas prices? A small inconvenience in the grand scheme. Seriously in a few years we will look back and realize "wow what babies we were. There were kids sleeping in trash in other countries while I still had a warm bed and food".
Nothing can stop what has happened. Nothing can stop what is happening. And nothing can stop what is coming.
The part that bothered me was how he seemed to push the BS Ukraine narrative. Said that Russia would invade and we're being pushed into WW3. Did i miss or missunderstand something? Help a fren out here, I'm still fresh to this.
It makes Biden look bad. It also puts Biden and his family in a bind given most of their dirty business dealings are tied up in Ukraine.
Flip a coin...heads Biden loses or tails and Biden still loses. Biden isn't going to survive the current pincer move that is squeezing in on Ukraine.
Yeah but he doesnt NEED to make Biden look bad, he's doing a great job by himself!
Trump loves to pit the MSM narrative used against him e.g. RUSSSHA and flip it right back on Hidey/Hoe. The MSM can't stand it because it redpills even Dems.
I sort of figured. I had the same "wait a sec" moment when he said "take the vaccine!" then noticed the narrative change literally 24 hours later. Lets see what happens Monday morning...