OK, OK, Anon, stop, already, my sides! TOP NATO POWER FALLS in 12 hours... AHAHAHA
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I've got a Volvo S60. Who's with me?
We the truckless need to buy trucks.
"Truck Joe Biden"?
Good one lol
I prefer the motorcycle. Ironically the drivers of the largest vehicles have a certain pizazz also found in drivers of the smallest vehicles.
Riders are generally by nature fiercely independent and lovers of freedom as is displayed by their love of vehicles that allow them to be out in the open air the whole time and aren't even really tied to roads. Truck drivers are highly practical and have a special understanding the poeple of different areas and of how the world actually works gained by their exposure to said peoples and need to consider the impact of every mile and regulation to their livelihoods. They also will tend to be more independent as they have chosen a career that does not tie them to one office or location.
Very succinct and clear way of putting it
Good luck there’s none left thanks to the commies.