739 Anons reporting in from the froont lines lines! Fookin' glorious, eh! (media.patriots.win) FOOKIN' GLORIOUS posted 3 years ago by catsfive 3 years ago by catsfive +740 / -1 138 comments download share 138 comments share download save hide report block hide replies
It would be hilarious if the queen fires the whole government like she did with Australia years ago. Not sure if she can do that with the Canuck govt.
It's the governor general who has that power... and she's as corrupt as the Ottawa Obama.
The governor general works for the Queen. So in theory, if the directive did come from the queen, the GG would be forced to carry it out.
Perhaps a good idea to put pressure on the canadian GG directly, as well as the royal family in England
Not since 1978 I believe
There are still scum trash kings and queens outside of the old bitch in the UK?