Before you bitch about nip internment consider that the US won the Pacific Theater, with only some help from the ANZACs and a little help from the British Navy, but mostly on their own. It was really the US’s last outright victory over an unconditionally surrendering enemy. There was no leaking of the fact that US decoders had cracked Japan’s pre-Midway encryptions. There were no domestic sabotage attacks on Pacific coast shipyards or munitions factories. No terror attacks against American civilians, and no disruptive protests of the war. Maybe the internment worked. Maybe it was the will to do non-PC dirty work that made them the Greatest Generation, and the lack of will is why people of our era get pushed around by commies, woketards, and third-worlders.
Maybe it was the will to do non-PC dirty work that made them the Greatest Generation, and the lack of will is why people of our era get pushed around by commies, woketards, and third-worlders.
You've got a point.
Maybe the whole PC thing was created to PREVENT people from protecting themselves from the racism targeting them.
I will have to look that up. We did have German POW's in this country. Quite frankly, they were likely the most lucky ones in the whole war. But I've never read of mass incarceration of American citizens of German ancestry. If so, that was no more right than interning the Japanese.
Before you bitch about nip internment consider that the US won the Pacific Theater, with only some help from the ANZACs and a little help from the British Navy, but mostly on their own. It was really the US’s last outright victory over an unconditionally surrendering enemy. There was no leaking of the fact that US decoders had cracked Japan’s pre-Midway encryptions. There were no domestic sabotage attacks on Pacific coast shipyards or munitions factories. No terror attacks against American civilians, and no disruptive protests of the war. Maybe the internment worked. Maybe it was the will to do non-PC dirty work that made them the Greatest Generation, and the lack of will is why people of our era get pushed around by commies, woketards, and third-worlders.
You've got a point.
Maybe the whole PC thing was created to PREVENT people from protecting themselves from the racism targeting them.
They didn't intern the American citizens of German ancestry. Imprisoning an entire demographic group is never the right answer.
They did
I will have to look that up. We did have German POW's in this country. Quite frankly, they were likely the most lucky ones in the whole war. But I've never read of mass incarceration of American citizens of German ancestry. If so, that was no more right than interning the Japanese.