What about holodomor?
Wasnt it the russians that actually did the horrible war crimes and concentrations camps, people have also came forward as holocaust survivors and told a much less grotesque version of what happened to them
We can argue all day, but it doesn't change the fact that Nazis were rounding up free people, detaining them against their will and openly discriminated against them. Exactly what the globalists are trying to do today with vaccines. They are evil, following in footsteps of Nazis, Q has pointed this fact out repeatedly, and while leftists accuse the liberty movemet of being "literal Nazis," people like you are defending Nazis and validating their moronic accusations. Go ahead and tell me that "Q is a psy-op" or something. I've got the deport button ready to go.
I dont believe in what the public believes the nazis believed, I also am not a neo nazi. I'm after the truth. Did germans round up people in concentration camps? Hard to tell because of how muddled the truth is through the msm that was ran by the same people or related to those people as today's msm so it isn't hard to imagine there having been a campaign against hitler making him worse than he is, was he bad? Possibly but hard to tell THROUGH THE MUDDLED TRUTH.
Was stalin worse? Yes
Was mao zedong worse? Yes
Was hitler evil, mad or a stooge? Dunno
What about holodomor? Wasnt it the russians that actually did the horrible war crimes and concentrations camps, people have also came forward as holocaust survivors and told a much less grotesque version of what happened to them
We can argue all day, but it doesn't change the fact that Nazis were rounding up free people, detaining them against their will and openly discriminated against them. Exactly what the globalists are trying to do today with vaccines. They are evil, following in footsteps of Nazis, Q has pointed this fact out repeatedly, and while leftists accuse the liberty movemet of being "literal Nazis," people like you are defending Nazis and validating their moronic accusations. Go ahead and tell me that "Q is a psy-op" or something. I've got the deport button ready to go.
I dont believe in what the public believes the nazis believed, I also am not a neo nazi. I'm after the truth. Did germans round up people in concentration camps? Hard to tell because of how muddled the truth is through the msm that was ran by the same people or related to those people as today's msm so it isn't hard to imagine there having been a campaign against hitler making him worse than he is, was he bad? Possibly but hard to tell THROUGH THE MUDDLED TRUTH.
Was stalin worse? Yes Was mao zedong worse? Yes Was hitler evil, mad or a stooge? Dunno