I can’t believe I have to make this post but then again on the other hand I’m not the least bit surprised. My mother who was 64 went into the hospital on New Year’s Day with a very swollen abdomen, pain, and unable to keep down even water. She was in the hospital for 2 and a half weeks while they did all kinds of diagnostic tests and treated her symptoms. She was in terrible pain most of the time and basically unable to eat. Finally last Tuesday they told her that she had cancer that had basically covered every organ in her abdomen and pretty much fused them together. They had no idea what organ it had originated from and she had no history of cancer or family history of cancer. They told her she had 1 month to 3 months to live if she did chemo. On Friday she was dead. I made down to see her the last hour of her life, she wasn’t able to speak but her eyes were open. I told her I loved her and we prayed for her salvation, she was not a believer (to my knowledge). I watched 1 single tear roll down her cheek and color fade away from her face. She took her last breath and left us. It was just me and my 11 year old daughter crying and praying together. I thanked God for his mercy and blessings to allow for me and my daughter to be there before my Mom died and to pray for her salvation at the moment of her death. I know I’ll see her again someday. She was fully vaxxed and boosted. My family is totally clueless and they all drank the Kool-aide too. I pray that nobody else in my family has to go through this but I can’t be sure. I’ve known since the very beginning this was all nonsense. I used to be a nurse and understood after the 1st week that it was a farce and that none of it made any sense. I tried to tell her I sent her studies and articles, she finally told me to stop sending her stuff that she wasn’t going to read it. She told me that clearly I wasn’t gonna change her mind and she wasn’t gonna change mine. I even got Covid and ended up in the hospital, thankfully the doc there gave me ivermectin and convalescent plasma and I immediately got better and went home! My mother was an incredibly smart woman and except for being brainwashed by mass psychosis there is no other explanation for why she wouldn’t listen to reason. It’s so very disappointing because she had every capacity to understand the truth, but just didn’t. That’s what makes this so so hard and sad. It’s all just so insane I keep praying that all will be revealed soon and we can stop this death shot and help people heal. Thanks for reading this. I don’t know what I’d do without all of y’all the GAW has been a source of sanity for me throughout this whole ridiculous “pandemic”. I’ve laughed and cried with all of you and I look forward to rejoicing when we triumph over this evil. In Jesus’ name, God bless you all.
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Sorry to read of your Mother's passing, just have the certainty that one day you will be together again.
People and friends all around me give me that look whenever the current Cv topic comes up, in fact only the other day someone I didn't really know got really angry and tried to blame me for his Mother in Laws death (the usual you killed her because you wouldn't take the jab etc) until I told him so far I have lost 2 friends to heart attacks at a young age, 3 more have heart issues, another bells palsy, yet another a 16yr old with chest pains when training, and my own Father collapsing for hours after the so called booster. Then his lips swelled up and had a rash down his right hand side.
Then my cousin on Christmas eve was rushed to ER with chest pains and unable to breathe, they fobbed her off saying she had a chest infection! It started again a few days ago, most likely micro clotting. Another friend had her eyes swell shut. The list goes on, but the point is I've tried as best I can to get some of these to listen, and also helped them after they then become sick. Sometimes you have to let people make their decisions despite the surety of your own argument.
It wasn't your fault fren, you tried. Go with love in your heart knowing you tried hard to inform your mother, it's ok, God will be with her until you meet up again.
I needed to read this. My Mom’s been on chemo. It’s been working (I guess, skeptical of the industry) for the last 3 years. She went out and got the vaccine and now suddenly it has stopped working and the cancer is multiplying quickly.
I and my family are broken. I tried to stop her from getting it but she trusts her doctors and all of them were pushing vaccine + booster. There’s no doubt in my mind it’s what is causing this reaction in her. My mother is an angel, the thought of potentially losing her is really screwing with my psyche. Trying to stay strong but it’s really tough.