How long until the scared shitless Canadian government blows up a building and blames the truckers?
I give it less than 48 hours from right now. What's your guess?
My biggest fear is one of those trucks going boom. 50k trucks? No vetting?
It’s a real concern. Patriots need to straddle some kind of line between “accepting all fellow Patriots” and self-governance that protects the cause.
This keeps me up nights...the biggest weakness to a Liberty Movement, is the infringement of Liberty required to keep it pure.
Any one of those trucks could be filled with Anhidrous fertilizer ala Oklahoma City.
If one of those trucks goes boom? The CBC would kill this overnight.
So essentially, we are relying on Devine Intervention for this whole thing to work.
I have faith, and am prayerfully and dutifully believing for a positive outcome.
God almighty, protect these truckers. Keep them free from infiltration. May they be victorious. Amen.
Maybe save a step O Lord. Protect us by not constantly having the most evil, despicable, cruel people imaginable run everything and terrorize the hell out of us down here for thousands of years, thanks.
It doesn't work that way. If God did that nobody would have free will. I'm not the most Bible versed fren here. I'm sure someone else could explain it better.
God wants us to love, live and learn. Removing every obstacle would be like having a planet of children that never had any discipline. That'd be ugly.